My Family

My Family

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Expecting Baby #3!

Our family is growing! Baby Rice is expected May 24th 2011. We can't wait to meet our newest little member to the family...especially the girls! Kate is thrilled to be big a big sister and teach her everything she knows! Hopefully only the good things! Grace is excited to be my big helper except change the diapers! I can't blame her either! Our 5 month ultra sound is the beginning of January...we are going to wait and be surprised whether it is a boy or girl.

Gracie's 1st Christmas School program! All the 4 & 5 year olds singing Christmas carols up on stage...priceless!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Visiting Santa this Christmas! The girls couldn't wait to see him, sit on his lap and bring their lists that they wrote. Grace and Kate were very specific on what they wanted this year for him to bring. Thank You Santa for a wonderful Christmas. We all feel so spoiled and so fortunate!